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Check out the links below!
Register for a COLS account.
Customs and Border Control Service has an online system (COLS) that allows you to appoint and authorize couriers to act on your behalf to clear packages. You will need to pre-register by filling out their online form. If you are an individual you will need your Driver’s License, Passport, and Birth Certificate. If you are registering as a business you will need your Driver’s License, Passport Page, Trade & Business License, Birth Certificate, Register of Directors, and Authorization Letter. Once you have submitted the form, CBC will review the request and if all is correct and complete you will receive an email with your TIN (Trader ID Number). Once you have your account you can then appoint DHL as an agent to be able to collect your items on your behalf.
Learn more about the Import Fees Deposit.
When you order products for shipment to destinations outside of the U.S., or for shipment into the U.S. from another destination, Amazon facilitates customs clearance on your behalf. You will see “Import Fees Deposit” or “Import Charges” at checkout, depending on your destination. This amount includes estimating and paying all customs duties, taxes, and fees on your behalf (“Import Fees”) to the relevant customs authorities.
Learn more about free international returns.
All items eligible for Free Returns have at least one free return option. You can return the item for any reason in new and unused condition for up to 30 days after purchase, with no return shipping charges.
Learn more about DHL delivery options.
When putting in your order on Amazon, you can deliver to your home address, office, etc but you are required to sign for the items on delivery. This is why I have opted for a few items, which I knew would be delivered when I was not around, to be picked up at a collection point. There are several other options that are offered once your product has been shipped and it is super easy to change the delivery method using their online portal.